One-of-a-kind Rings, Bracelets and Necklaces
for that One-of-a-kind Person in Your Life
AFFLATUS af·fla·tus /əˈflādəs
A strong creative impulse, especially as a result of divine inspiration.
proper noun-
Exceptional jewelry designed and created from the heart by Chad Drinkard.

Precious materials. Unsurpassed quality. Timeless value.
I urge you to pause in the middle of your travels, pursuits and dreams and look at the perfection around you. The freely given gift of creation. It is my belief that each given moment in life offers the potential for an inspired revelation, one that may lead to the pursuit of true happiness in this life and beyond.
Therefore, I pursue the call to use my given abilities for the making of fine jewelry that exemplifies the most precious materials but more importantly expresses a meaningful message through its creation.